
Showing posts from 2019

Raden Mandasia dan petualangannya (a book review)

Berburu bacaan fiksi yang bagus (menurut selera kita masing-masing) memang rada tricky, ya . Aku sendiri berada di posisi yang sebetulnya ga punya banyak waktu buat baca buku.  Karena itu, aku mengupayakan baca buku yang "digestible" dan yang dirasa butuh aja biar ga buang-buang waktu. Jadi sebelom memutuskan beli buku, aku mengusahakan cari tau sebanyak mungkin dari review di Goodreads . Persoalan review ini bisa jadi tricky juga, sih. Tapi karena aku udah punya semacam boundary untuk menentukan mana penulis yang betul-betul bisa aku nikmati bukunya dan mana yang engga, ini bisa menghindarkanku dari rekomendasi yang "gak perlu".   Trus gimana kalo penulis baru? Aku minta review dari temen yang satu frekuensi. Hehe. :)) Dulu jaman blom kerja, aku berusaha nyempetin baca buku di sela-sela segala hal. Apakah efektif? Engga. :))  Karena seringnya jadi keteteran ngerjain hal lain. Yaaahhh, tau kan ya ibu rumah tangga ada aja yang harus dikerjain walau ga ngerj...

Lelaki Harimau: kisah lelaki dengan dendam dan sakit hati

Picture of my own, from my IG story It’s been a while since my latest post. So what I've been up to? Well… I’ve spent half of the year applying for a job while I still did house chores like…yeah, you named it. But I kept myself read books—a printed ones—whatever I’ve been busy into, because…that thing keep me sane, for anybody’s sake. Now I found that I’ve been away from my blog. I wasn’t update the blog with…anything. Literary anything for almost three fvckin months. Pfftt. (Sounds like I’m as busy as any corporate slaves out there. *waving to all HRDs*) Since then, I’ve read some books and they are fictions. Some of them are: Khutbah Di atas Bukit. Belajar Mencintai Kambing. Bakat Menggonggong. Bagaimana Tuhan Menciptakan Cahaya. 24 Jam Bersama Gaspar. Lelaki Harimau. (Do you realize that all of them were written by male authors? I’m gonna talk about this…someday. About why I feel so into them recently.) This time, I want to review Lelaki...

Selamat tinggal(, April)!

Aku terbangun pagi ini dengan rasa yang kosong. Suwung. Seperti berada di kehidupan yang lain. "Aku" yang lain. Tak apa. Kita pasti baik-baik saja.[]

I miss you, ma gals!

I fell blessed surrounded by amazing girls. The most amazing days started when I was in college. It was fun, thrilled, whatever you named about it and memorable. To look back on today, really, I truly missed them much. It is not because we chose to apart. And by apart, yes, we have separated miles away but no, it is not about we pulled ourself away. Well, I hope so. This post aims to praise them as my cool, beautiful, smart, witty and that-is-the-way-they-are friends because, hell, I am fucking missed you, girls! When you are read this and you feel that it is YOU I am writing about, yeah, you know that it is you! Do you remember when we spent a cold night until the dawn breaking somewhere in Kaliurang? Or when we spent our spare times during class in the library, canteen or sat under the tree and sometimes compared ourself with the French buddies? Do you remember when we spent the whole night during Ramadhan finishing our paper since breakfasting time until almost morn...

Ave Maryam: kelindan cinta (ato nafsu?) antar manusia di tengah agama

Souce: here Hari Minggu kemarin, gue berkesempatan nonton Ave Maryam. Ave Maryam ini konon film yang udah keliling di beberapa festival film internasional sejak 2018 , baru kemudian membuka layar melalui bioskop ke penonton nusantara. Rasa-rasanya dalam beberapa tahun ini, film-film berkualitas memilih untuk ikut festival film internasional dulu baru kemudian ngasih kesempatan penonton tanah air lewat bisokop. Ini bisa jadi adalah strategi pembuat film yang karyanya memang tidak ditujukan untuk industri film arus utama. Jadi alih-alih "cek ombak" di negeri sendiri, mereka justru langsung jemput bola ke berbagai festival film internasional. Soalnya mungkin sering "cek ombak" tapi yang ada malah dapet kontroversi. Padahal ketika ketemu festival film internasional, karya-karya itu masuk nominasi atau malah jadi pemenang. Karena bukan jenis film arus utama yang bisa mengakomodasi banyak kategori penonton, maka Ave Maryam ini bakal gak lama dapet jatah layar...

Why I Installed Medium (and then uninstalled and reinstalled again)

pict source Having a blog since 2010 makes me didn’t want another blogging platform simply because I can’t put both legs on more than one blog. I am truly realized that I am not that productive to post regularly. If so, why should I have to have a new one? Talking about the blog post, which I considered as long-form random writing, I even can not upload something in Facebook status just as long as the blog post like almost everybody does. I just can’t do it whether because I can’t distinguish between where to post a long piece or I just want to collect all of my random-long writing just in one place. On the contrary, whenever a new writing platform appears, I didn’t bother to try. Medium was one of those new blogging platforms I ever tried. I once saw it because somebody on Twitter shared the link. I have to admit that m y first impression about Medium was it has a beautiful and neat interface I love. It is kind of blog site theme I always crave for. It is a mobile blo...