
Showing posts from October, 2017

#GirlBoss: When S**t Happens But You Keep Walking

"Ive been a drop out, a nomad, a thief, a shitty student, and a lazy employee." - page 7 Awalnya baca #GirlBoss karena terpantik judulnya yang agak “provokatif”— in a good way. Semacam ada spark of feminism di judulnya. Iyalah, kata “ girl ” dan “ boss ” itu kadang dianggap sebagai dua terma yang berbeda. Sebab dalam dunia patriarkal, yang namanya “ boss ” itu biasanya male oriented . Jadi menjejerkan dua kata itu menurutku menimbulkan rasa yang khas feminis. So that was my first impression about #GirlBoss. Menurutku Sophia Amoruso menulis #GirlBoss dengan sense yang rada nyeleneh. Bahasa tulisnya blak-blakan. As she gonna write “A” if that was she wanted to say. She gonna write “stupid” if that was she wanted to say. Dari sini, rasanya sudah cukup terlihat karakternya dia seperti apa. So basically, #GirlBoss was talk about her online store named NastyGal. No, I never heard that before. No wonder because the online store first appeared on eBay. Sementara aku pa...

A note from your cup of coffee

Do you know what life is all about? Being grateful. We knew it from the first time. I was a person with nothing at first. Then I got something, a job which actually suit with my pray: I want a job, any job.  Then I wanted another better job. Or back at home which I was called it paradise. Then a better things came.  But God gave me an exam so that maybe I can improve my self-quality. He brought me back home—just like what I wanted before, no? I was enjoying every single thing until He came again to me. Maybe to testified my faith upon Him.  He came again with a bigger, harder exam I have ever been. He taught me as a one-per-one life lesson. But that time, I was alone. He left me with all those things He wanted me to learn.   I fell into my knees million times, stayed awake to those sleepless nights, felt weak and worthless, and those unstoppable cries. And I don’t think I succeeded. Well, it was a magnitude storm, most powerful destruction in my life which ...

Drawing a Picture of United States

 *disclaimer: This post was my assignment in my English class. It was written just in time as I never had enough time for proper preparation. But one day, an email came. My lecturer was sent a review of my paper and had it graded too. Overall, it was beyond my expectation. She also came to me while I was having a casual conversation out of the class, and said: hi, did you read my email? I like your writing and blablabla--I just can't hear other words since then, haha! But still, I hope you bear with my broken English which you may find a lot of grammatical errors. Oh well, here you go, a short, unimportant, random post. Enjoy. I never been to the United States—yet. The most vivid picture of the US was I saw on a movie 13 Going On 30 . It’s a movie about a teenage girl who lives her dream becoming a chief editor of a famous magazine in New York. It is an American Dream, isn’t it? Big city offers two contrary things: being succeed or die trying. US—just like another big c...