
Showing posts from September, 2017

Secret and Truth (The Husband's Secret book review)

This picture was grabbed from here . "Did you really think we're going to have a baby now and live happily ever after?" said Tess. "A baby doesn't fix a marriage. Not that I even know my marriage needs fixing."- page 538, E-book version. Okay. First thing before I talk about this book is that I read The Husband's Secret (THS) in e-book format. Actually, I was trying to buy e-books because of: 1) it is convenient.  E-books allow me to read anytime and anywhere. You can do it with the printed book, can't you? No. For me right now, no. Now that my time much spends on breastfeeding my son, no, I can't always bring the book while I'm feeding him. I was trying and... yeah, it's kinda troublesome. And 2) its price. So damn cheap. Gosh. I'm gonna post a small talk about this later, promise.   So after I bought some books (I was bought about ten books at first!), I feel it was fun and easy. The E-pub(lish) app...

Harus mencari "bahagia" ke mana? (review buku "The Geography of Bliss")

"That's because happiness, bliss, is in the hands of Allah, not man. If we are happy, it is God's will and, likewise, if we are miserable it is also God's will." -page 158 Konon, bepergian dapat melepas stres. Saya setuju. Entah itu annual travelling atau sekadar piknik tipis-tipis. Pada tiap perjalanan ada memori yang tertanam: pengalaman yang menyenangkan ketika menuju destinasi, ketika berada di sana bahkan sampai bepergian telah usai. Coba lihat manusia jaman sekarang. Piknik jadi hal yang sakral dan seolah-olah kebutuhan primer. Salah satu patokan menjadi bahagia adalah dengan piknik. Jika seseorang terlihat desperate, maka sangat mudah menudingnya tidak bahagia. Karena itu, sering kita mendengar kelakar: situ kurang piknik, ya? Eric Weiner, seorang mantan jurnalis, mencoba mengeksplorasi makna bahagia. Caranya menginvestigasi tidak main-main. Ia sampai menemui seorang "profesor kebahagiaan", seseorang yang telah lama mengulik studi k...