Bekerja itu...
It’s been a long time before I finally get blogging again. Whatta paradise to reread my writing and catch up on some comments. Yup, it’s such a paradise! And I’m going to share some paradise things with you. Of course in my own mind :) First, I’d like to tell you a few things about work. I have resigned a couple of days ago and now I’m at my new office. Should I have to tell you about it? No, I guess. It’s not that important. If you really want to know what I’ve been doing a year ago, please read this. But I won’t tell you what I’m doing right now and compare them. Bagi saya, lebih baik bekerja pakai hati, pakai passion. Jangan melulu soal duit. Jadi begini, dulu sewaktu saya masih jadi full time mom, saya pikir bekerja itu asyik sekali. You can earn money, helps the family’s cash flow, and buy things you never bought before. But when I really get there (in my former office), things doesn’t work that good. Ada banyak hal yang harus dihadapi ketika bekerja. Satu hal ...